Zhenia Gimer Trio
mainstream jazz, pop
Siberia is not known as the cradle of jazz musicians, but Novosibirskian pianist Zhenia Gimer testifies that it is the vision, the soul and the skills that count, not the birthplace. The San Francisco
Examiner wrote: ”Gimer is brilliant in all respects: strong touch, fine rhythmic sense including a nice swing, creative improvisations and a virtually complete knowledge of the American popular music
book”. Gimer started at the Novosibirsk Academy of Music with clarinet studies, but lives now in Finland and has played with countless Finnish musicians and many Americans, like hornmen Richie Cole,
James Moody and Ted Curson. There are also the simultaneous one piano improvisation with Dave Brubeck. Gimer’s driving rhythm section is made of Finnish drummer Petteri Hasa and Estonian bassist Toivo