Festival year 2005

Pori Jazz commemorated its 40th anniversary in year 2005. Staff celebrated by working hard during the festival, which lasted from 16th to the 24th of July.

Big open-air concerts were moved from old Kirjurinluoto Lokki-stage to the Arena. Most of the feedback from the change was positive. Sand based surface of the Arena received much appreciation as it did not turn into mud despite the rain, as the ground at the old stage had done in previous years.

Altogether 120 000 people visited the festival, 50 000 tickets were sold and the free of charge concerts attracted about 70 000 people. 116 concerts were held at 11 venues, over half of which were free of charge.

Approximately 500 media representatives were approved. One tenth of them were international; mostly from the USA, England, Germany, Norway and Sweden.

Budget for this year was 3,7 mil. euros, out of which ticket sales covered 60%. Support received from the city of Pori and the state was 9% of the budget. The rest, was made up from such things as advertising and sponsorship deals, as well as from stall rentals.

Festival arrangements and upkeep are based on extensive volunteer work. During the festival, 450 volunteers worked for the organisation, in areas such as maintenance, transport and as guides. Over 900 volunteers from local societies and organisations aided in the festival security and maintenance duties.

Vuoden  festivaalijuliste


- A Taste Of Rock´n´Roll -
- Freedom Now -
- Norvegian Soundscapes -
20/50's Quartet
A Salute To Max Roach feat. Odean Pope
AK Jazz Collection
Alice In Dixieland
Andreas Öberg Trio
Anna-Mari Kähärän Orkesteri
Antti Sarpila Swing Band
Antti Sarpila Swing Band feat. Eino Grön
Antti Sarpila Swing Band feat. Johanna Iivanainen
Antti Sarpila Swing Band w/ special quests; Eino Grön & Johanna Iivanainen
Arkadi Figlin
Arkadi Figlin Trio
Arkadi Figlin Trio w/ Vitali Imereli
Arve Henriksen Solo
BeBop Club:
Bianca Morales
Bianca Morales & Gimer Trio
Blacknuss feat. Awa & Lisa Nilsson
Blacknuss feat. Awa & Titiyo
Bo Sundström
Booty Brothers
Brian Melvin
Brian Melvin Jam Session
Caipirinha feat. Sergio Bastos
Carling Family
Charlie Haden's Land Of The Sun feat. Gonzalo Rubalcaba
Chill Out Sound System
Close Erase
Clube Brasil!!
Craig David
Crazy Casey
David Hazeltine Sextet
David Hopkins
David Hopkins Quartet
David Hopkins Quartet feat. John Colianni
DJ Magic Sam & Rideon
DJ Rideon & Magic Sam
DJ Sampsa & Magic Sam
Django Festival:
Djangomania Feat. Pio
Dr. Lonnie Smith Trio
Duo Seglem & Høgemo
Echo Systems
Elena Mady
Enrico Granafei
Eric Alexander Sextet
Evrim Özsuca
Gai Bryant
Galaxy Drums
Gebardi Pori Jazz Special
Giant Robot
Grupo Legal
Gunhild Carling
Hall - Petrescu Trio
Han Buhrs Solo
Hanne Pulli Session
Hdkd Virtanen
Helevä Salesvuo Experience!
Honey B. & T-bones
Igor Butman Quartet
Jaanika Ventsel
James Taylor Quartet
Jamie Cullum
Jazz Partout!
Johnny Lamarama
Jonny Lang: The Acoustic Band Tour 2005
Jouni Hokkanen Quartet
Jussi Kannaste
Jussi Reunamäki Group
Jyrki Kangas
Kalevan Kisojen Klubi
Kalevi Louhivuori
Kari Niittymäki Trio
Karl Seglem Band
Kenny Garrett
Kenny Garrett Quartet
Koiton Laulu
Labutis Jazz Quartet
Ladies First Big Band
Ladies In Jazz:
Lauryn Hill
Lenni-Kalle Taipale & Hip 2B Horns feat. Sami Pitkämö
Lenni-Kalle Taipale Group
Light Of Love
Los Van Van
Louie Vega & His Elements Of Life
Mahalasku Orkesteri
Marian Petrescu
Maris Briezkalns
Maris Briezkalns Quartet
Mats Gustafsson Solo
Matti Aalto
Melvin-Kikoski-Unt Trio
Mitch Woods And His Rocket 88´s
Moutin Reunion Quartet
Nat Newborn Big Time
Nat Newborn Quartet
Olli Ahvenlahti Group
One For All
Palmgren-Konservatorion rytmimusiikkiosaston yhtyeet
PBB Jam Session
Pio with Friends
Pop&Jazz-Musiikkileirin Bändit
Pori All Star Big Band & Kenny Garret & Ted Curson
Pori Jazz All Stars
Pori Jazz Kids Festival:
Poriginal Quartet
Quelques Fiers Mongols: Led Zeppelin Brass Band
Raivo Tafenau
Reiska Laine
Reiska Laine Jam Session
Rikhard Fedotevs
Roy Haynes Fountain Of Youth
Sambacana & Samba-futis
Sanni Orasmaa
Santi Debriano Quartet
Sisters In Jazz
Sisters In Jazz feat. Gai Bryant
Sputnik Dixieland Band
Sun Ra Arkestra
Swing Festival:
Ted Curson
Ted Curson Band
Ted Curson Jam Session
The Big 3 Palladium Orchestra
The Pointer Sisters
The Thing
Tim Posgate Hornband feat. Howard Johnson
Toivo Unt
Tomi Harrivaara
Trio Focan
Ultra Music: Freedom Now
Ultra Music: Norvegian Soundscapes
Un Mec Une Porte
Urban Sax
Verneri Pohjola
Vitali Imereli
Vitali Imereli & Arkadi Figlin
YLE - Jazzkansa liikkeelle!
Zanussi Five
Zanussi Three
Zhenia Gimer
Zhenia Gimer Trio
Önder Focan