Festival year 2005
Pori Jazz commemorated its 40th anniversary in year 2005. Staff celebrated by working hard during the festival, which lasted from 16th to the 24th of July.
Big open-air concerts were moved from old Kirjurinluoto Lokki-stage to the Arena. Most of the feedback from the change was positive. Sand based surface of the Arena received much appreciation as it did not turn into mud despite the rain, as the ground at the old stage had done in previous years.
Altogether 120 000 people visited the festival, 50 000 tickets were sold and the free of charge concerts attracted about 70 000 people. 116 concerts were held at 11 venues, over half of which were free of charge.
Approximately 500 media representatives were approved. One tenth of them were international; mostly from the USA, England, Germany, Norway and Sweden.
Budget for this year was 3,7 mil. euros, out of which ticket sales covered 60%. Support received from the city of Pori and the state was 9% of the budget. The rest, was made up from such things as advertising and sponsorship deals, as well as from stall rentals.
Festival arrangements and upkeep are based on extensive volunteer work. During the festival, 450 volunteers worked for the organisation, in areas such as maintenance, transport and as guides. Over 900 volunteers from local societies and organisations aided in the festival security and maintenance duties.