Miss Saana & The Missionaries
Many who have heard the grand-voiced Miss Saana with her super funking band have suspected listening to some unknown hit by a 70s soul
singstress – or new top class retrofunk straight from the States. Miss Saana and The Missionaries’ sound is astonishingly dark and
soulful for a contemporary Finnish band.
In the fall of 2005, Miss Saana and The Missionaries played all sorts of soul covers as the house band of Club Pharao at Dubrovnik (night
club). When the wild reactions and the hot steams of the dance floor mixed with the unbelievable chemistry of the band, it became clear that
there was more to do than just covers. After working on songs of their own, the band was ready to perform in its current form with their own
material in the early 2007.
It is very clear that Miss Saana’s 12-member family has taken the right road. Reminiscent of the Detroit Cobras’ wild and
soulful garagerock, their fierce funk has received such an enthusiastic reception that there is clearly a need for their primitive missionary